Rockhampton > Capricornia Yearling Sale Entries Closing (Bm60)
12:30am , 1600m, Soft (6), $21,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name Perf Recent Prize Age Bar Last 10 (..321) Career Track Condition Distance Trk/Dist 1st Up 2nd Up Jockey W-100 R-100 2nd 3rd Exp.W P/L T/O Trainer
4. Roy's Road 1.06 14 $102,875 6 7 5733853132 36:4-9-8 16:2-5-4 12:1-3-4 15:3-2-5 7:1-2-2 4:0-0-0 4:0-3-0 Ms G Cartwright 8 100 3 13 6.9 44 917 Ms Z Hohn
5. Whatjeudoin' 0.89 28 $57,580 5 2 60821731x70 18:3-3-1 13:1-2-1 8:0-1-1 3:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 3:0-0-0 3:0-0-0 Justin P Stanley 15 100 14 13 16.8 -481 3484 Stephen Rundle
2. Nondisclosure 0.88 19 $42,275 4 5 716x65x224 8:1-2-0 2:0-1-0 2:0-1-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 3:0-1-0 3:1-1-0 Ashley Butler 19 100 19 14 21.3 -921 4649 Nick Walsh
8. Leica Bita Fun 0.76 30 $115,735 7 1 7135280426 51:6-6-9 9:0-1-3 13:1-0-2 9:1-0-2 3:0-0-1 6:1-0-0 5:0-0-1 Amy Graham 4 100 8 11 6.9 -373 993 D J Schultz
3. General Wolffe 0.54 16 $170,085 6 3 3212225x531 65:3-7-12 14:2-5-2 25:2-4-3 5:1-2-1 4:1-2-1 4:0-0-1 4:0-1-2 Olivia Kendal 12 100 14 12 12.2 -251 1898 Michael Stephens
6. Biker 0.31 30 $20,700 4 8 7505438919 13:1-0-1 13:1-0-1 9:1-0-1 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 Raul Silvera Olivera 13 100 9 8 10.8 91 1690 Stephen Rundle
7. Not A Guru
1. Take The Lead
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Name - Horse number and name
Perf - Career performance rating, higher is better
Recent - Recent performance rating, lower is better
Prize - Career prize money
Age - Horse's age
Bar - Barrier/Gate number
Last 10 - Results from last 10 races (most recent on right)
Career - Career record (Runs:Wins-2nd-3rd)
Track - Record at this track
Condition - Record on this track condition
Distance - Record at this distance
Trk/Dist - Record at this track and distance
1st Up - Record when first-up (*current)
2nd Up - Record when second-up (*current)
Jockey - Jockey's name
W-100 - Jockey's wins in last 100 races
R-100 - Jockey's total rides in last 100 races
2nd - Jockey's second places in last 100 races
3rd - Jockey's third places in last 100 races
Exp.W - Jockey's expected wins in last 100 races
P/L - Jockey's profit/loss in last 100 races ($1 bet)
T/O - Jockey's turnover or betting volume in last 100 races
Trainer - Trainer's name