Pinjarra Scarpside > Jane Whitehorn Mdn
1:07am , 1000m, Good (4), $25,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name Perf Recent Prize Age Bar Last 10 (..321) Career Track Condition Distance Trk/Dist 1st Up 2nd Up Jockey W-100 R-100 2nd 3rd Exp.W P/L T/O Trainer
3. Favourite Songs 0.80 17 $13,960 3 3 5x2424 5:0-2-0 0:0-0-0 4:0-2-0 4:0-1-0 0:0-0-0 2:0-1-0 1:0-0-0 Jade Mc Naught 6 100 10 3 5.3 -45 743 Luke Fernie
6. Lady Coco 0.00 0 $0 3 2 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 A Hearn 17 100 7 9 11.0 615 1782 Indianna Weinert
2. Crikey Moses 0.00 21 $1,440 3 6 768 3:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 3:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 1:0-0-0 1:0-0-0 P Carbery 6 100 4 9 6.4 -294 1010 J E Grieve
1. Saturday Sesh 0.00 35 $2,615 3 5 677x05 5:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 Natasha Faithfull 20 100 18 11 16.5 168 3084 A W Maley
7. Monaco Calling 0.00 0 $0 3 7 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 S O'Donnell 14 100 6 5 9.5 562 1486 T M Andrews
4. Something Royal 0.00 24 $3,690 3 1 9x9x6 3:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 3:0-0-0 2:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 3:0-0-0 *0:0-0-0 Holly Watson 8 100 9 9 9.9 -360 1487 D M Luciani
5. Ahh Choux 0.00 0 $0 3 4 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 0:0-0-0 Clinton Porter 23 100 17 13 18.9 727 3350 Holly Taylor
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Name - Horse number and name
Perf - Career performance rating, higher is better
Recent - Recent performance rating, lower is better
Prize - Career prize money
Age - Horse's age
Bar - Barrier/Gate number
Last 10 - Results from last 10 races (most recent on right)
Career - Career record (Runs:Wins-2nd-3rd)
Track - Record at this track
Condition - Record on this track condition
Distance - Record at this distance
Trk/Dist - Record at this track and distance
1st Up - Record when first-up (*current)
2nd Up - Record when second-up (*current)
Jockey - Jockey's name
W-100 - Jockey's wins in last 100 races
R-100 - Jockey's total rides in last 100 races
2nd - Jockey's second places in last 100 races
3rd - Jockey's third places in last 100 races
Exp.W - Jockey's expected wins in last 100 races
P/L - Jockey's profit/loss in last 100 races ($1 bet)
T/O - Jockey's turnover or betting volume in last 100 races
Trainer - Trainer's name